beet cake – take 2

Mondays are supposed to be my alone days... they are supposed to be a day that I get the housework and laundry done in silence...  a day where I can ponder the events of the weekend and decide all the ways I should become a better person... everyone should get to be alone on Mondays...... Continue Reading →

highlight reel

have you ever ran into someone who is so 'put-together' that it makes you feel disgusting about yourself? it's not their fault that they are making you feel this way... they have every right to shower and be clean and water their flowers... but the sight of them just makes you feel like Pig-Pen with... Continue Reading →

Grandpa is Gone

the farmer's grandpa is gone...  our middle son got one last wink in with him, our daughter was told that she was beautiful and our oldest son got to say 'I love you' in between hockey skates... and the farmer got to tell him that if he was waiting for harvest to end to go,... Continue Reading →

puberty at 37

  so I got suckered into getting braces...  almost botox too... it all begin with my oldest son getting braces about a year ago and then every appointment I take him to I see these adds for 'invisible' braces... and I think... I'm here anyways, maybe I should 'tidy up the chiclets' ... so I... Continue Reading →

‘teddy bear’ sandwiches

I'm not sure the extent of it... but I feel like there might be a significant amount of lying going on...  by the farmer...  and it's spiralled into  something he sees no way out of... for the meal to the field tonight I made coleslaw, honeydew melon and strawberries, steak sandwiches with onions, provolone and... Continue Reading →

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