I wanna hug with somebody

I was walking with a friend the other evening... as we were saying our good-bye's, a strange feeling came over me... I have been close friends with this person for over twenty years now and this was a new feeling I had never experienced around her... I found my arms raising, my heart pulling me... Continue Reading →

feeling the love

I prefer to do things for other people than have them done for me...  with the exception of the farmer...  he can keep doing things for me and I have no guilt associated with that... so when my friends threw a party for my 40th birthday it was pretty overwhelming...  you always hope your friends... Continue Reading →

need any help?

the farmer got upset with his oldest son who is driving the grain cart for not helping combine drivers clean their headers out...  he was just telling him the other night how it is his job as a cart driver to get out and help them... so yesterday, my sixteen year old, trying to be... Continue Reading →

how do you lasagna?

I make lasagna about six times a year I would guess... I am 39 years old...  I only have been cooking since the farmer tricked me into it at the young age of 20... so by that math, I have made 114 lasagnas... it most likely is closer to 100 as I know I have... Continue Reading →

Instant Pot Hamburger Helper

it's Wednesday...  I've made a 1 1/2 hour (roundtrip) to Kindersley once, cleaned the house (sort of), made the muffins for the booth at the school and am making my second trip to Kindersley to pick up uniforms for my son's Junior Basketball team... I need to get these jerseys to him, then get something... Continue Reading →

highlight reel

have you ever ran into someone who is so 'put-together' that it makes you feel disgusting about yourself? it's not their fault that they are making you feel this way... they have every right to shower and be clean and water their flowers... but the sight of them just makes you feel like Pig-Pen with... Continue Reading →

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