I’ll try anything once (maybe)

if you are in a pinch, McDonalds fries and  Junior Chicken burger can be your pre-run 'carb' meal... this might gross out some of you 'pure, clean' eaters out there but my stomach is used to this and accepted it just fine... the farmer, our daughter and myself arrived in Saskatoon Saturday evening before the... Continue Reading →

run Catherine run 

  "It is not the critic that counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better.  The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;... Continue Reading →

seeding meal #7

the boys had to help me get the meal out yesterday... life was busy and I was not home during the crucial hours of 3:30 - 5:30 pm...  but I had laid out the ingredients and had instructed both boys on what their role would be in this process... a few concerns I had...  Ethan... Continue Reading →

seeding meal #6

  farmers look at the weather radar a lot...  and when you are desperate for rain they look even more... so when they see that 25 miles away got rain and we got wind, they have to force themselves to be positive... I used to battle with 'does God send the rain?'...   we prayed... Continue Reading →

seeding meal #5

"oh we don't know the roads that we're heading down...  we don't know if we're lost, that we'll find a way... we don't know if we leave, will we make it home...  we don't know, there's hope, then we'll be okay" (the stumbellas) the haze from the forest fires near Fort McMurray, Alberta finally lifted... Continue Reading →

seeding meal #4

I don't like to enjoy my yard...  I like to work in it...  at the beginning of spring I get almost giddy... I make lists of jobs, then I go do the jobs... then I notice more jobs that need doing... I put them on the list... then I do them and cross them off... Continue Reading →

seeding meal #3 

this has been the hottest seeding on record... and by that I mean I have not kept any records and I actually don't know how warm it got today... nor do I know the history of how hot the temperatures in late April/early May traditionally have been...  that statement was more of a 'hunch'... but... Continue Reading →

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